Equipment Activation
Install your equipment in 4 easy steps
Get everything together
1. You should find some or all of the following in the box.
Coax cable
Power cord
HDMI cable
Digital box
Equipment's serial number
2. Enter your equipment's serial number
Can't find the serial number? Check these two places:
The back of the device

The equipment box, on the label "Host SN"

Can't find the serial number? Check these two places:
The back of the device

The equipment box, on the label "Host SN"

Hook up your hardware
3. Hook up steps
1. Hook up cable
Screw one end of the included white cable cord (with silver ends) in to your wall cable outlet/splitter and the other end into CABLE IN on the back of the Digital box. For an optimal viewing experience, we recommend using the included cable cord instead of any others you may have.

2. Hook up HDMI
Connect the included HDMI cable (black cable with flat gold ends) from the Digital box to your TV. Both video and audio travel through HDMI cable. Note the input you plug your HDMI cable into on the back of your TV (i.e. HDMI 1, HDMI 2, etc.) FOr more advanced audio/video setups, please refer to the manufacturers guide included wwith your Digital box.

3. Plug in power
Connect the included power adapter from the wall power outlet to the Digital box.

4. Turn on Shaw equipment
Power on your Digital box.

5. Turn on TV power
Ensure your TV is powered on.

6. Tune in TV input
Select the input (e.g. HDMI 1, HDMI 2, etc.) that you plugged the Digital box into in Step 2. You may see a blue box appear on your TV or a "no signal" message - don't worry, this is normal. On the HD box display panel you will see "0000" "boot" and will stop at noCP message.

3. Hook up steps
1. Hook up cable
Screw one end of the included white cable cord (with silver ends) in to your wall cable outlet/splitter and the other end into CABLE IN on the back of the Digital box. For an optimal viewing experience, we recommend using the included cable cord instead of any others you may have.
2. Hook up HDMI
Connect the included HDMI cable (black cable with flat gold ends) from the Digital box to your TV. Both video and audio travel throught HDMI cable. Note the intout you plug your HDMI cable into on the back of your TV (i.e. HDMI 1, HDMI 2, etc.) FOr more advanced audio/video setups, please refer to the manufacturers guide included wwith your Digital box.
3. Plug in power
Connect the included power adapter from the wall power outlet to the Digital box.
4. Turn on Shwa equipment
Power on your Digital box.
5. Turn on TV power
Ensure your TV is powered on.
6. Tune in TV input
Select the input (e.g. HDMI 1, HDMI 2, etc.) that you pougged the Digital box into in Step 2. You may see a blue box appear on your TV or a "no signal" message - don't worry, this is normal. On the HD box display panel you will see "0000" "boot" and will stop at noCP message.
Activate your equipment
4. How did you obtain your Rogers Xfinity TV equipment
Activate your equipment
4. You're good to go
Serial number:
Account number:
You need an agent to help you activate your equipment.
4. You need an agent to help you activate your equipment.
Chat with one of our agents right now.
Serial number:
Account number:
Sorry, your equipment was not activated
Activate your equipment
4. We couldn't find the serial number you entered on your account
Please make sure the serial number below is correct, and try again
Your equipment activation is pending
Activate your equipment
Due to high volume your activation may take longer than usual
During activation:
- Messages will appear on the front panel of your equipment
- Do not press any buttons on the equipment or remote
- Once the activation is complete, the blue power light will turn off and your equipment will reboot
- Depending on your model, you may need to turn on your equipment with your remote
- Once your equipment is activated, you can close this window
If your equipmemt is not activated after 15 minutes please try again.
Your equipment is activating...
This will take take a few minutes.
Please wait for the activation process to finish.
Your equipment is now activated
Give your equipment a few minutes to upgrade to its software's latest version before using it
- During this time, messages will appear on the front panel of your equipment
- Do not press any buttons on the digital box or remote
- Once the upgrade is complete, the blue power light will turn off and your equipment will reboot
- Depending on your model, you may need to turn on your equipment with your remote
For help getting started with your new TV equipment, visit
Sorry, your equipment was not activated
This is due to the following reason:
We couldn't find the serial number you entered on your account.
One of our support reps can help you.
Call tech support at 1-888-472-2222
Serial Number:
Account number: